
This PMP® Test Preparation program is designed to prepare you to pass the PMP® certification exam.

This program includes a full PMBoK course that is different than most courses in that it’s designed specifically to give you REAL-WORLD scenarios to address how you would apply these topics and concepts in your own environment.

The program includes an in-depth training program, as well as a full exam simulator that provides you with practice tests for each Knowledge Area and Process Group, followed by the PMP® Exam Simulation.

In addition, we will teach you everything you need to know to complete your application and ensure you have all that you need to substantiate your experience with our PM experience template in case you are one of the few selected for an audit (it does happen and we want you to be prepared)!

When you register today, you get:

  • 25 case study exercises 
  • Quizzes and tests by knowledge area and process group
  • 1400+ question database
  • PMP exam simulator
  • Custom online study tools and knowledge accelerators
  • 120+ PMP training videos on all PMBoK topics

PLUS, once certified, you need to earn PDUs to maintain your certificationThat’s why we’re giving you a FULL YEAR of my IMPACT Inner Circle membership program! You’ll have access to hundreds of resources and training programs to help you get PDUs across the PMI talent triangle.