From Project Manager to IMPACT Driver: Accelerating Your Project Management Career (3.75 PDUs)

Are you ready to stop “surviving” and start thriving in your organization? It’s time to transform our project management mindset and shift our focus to an IMPACT-driven culture.




Audience: Anyone in leadership from the C-suite to project managers          

PDU: 2 – Strategic and Business Management and 1.75 – Technical Project Management

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic & Business Management, Technical Project Management

Are you ready to stop “surviving” and start thriving in your organization? It’s time to transform our mindset from outputs to outcomes so that we can enable an IMPACT-driven culture. In this inspiring and insightful masterclass training program, you will learn Laura Barnard’s proven system for accelerating your performance on every project and ensuring that you get the most return for every investment…because that’s’ what projects are…investments! This IMPACT Method is a proven system that has been developed leveraging 20+ years of research and application of the most important techniques that Laura has used to transform the careers of hundreds of managers, enabling them to become an invaluable strategic asset business leaders are fighting over. After you take this course, you will be prepared to leverage a set of immediately applicable tools and techniques to help you Get. It. Done.

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