How to Train Your Sponsor (4 PDUs)

Leverage our tried and true best practices for training your sponsor! In this course, we will share practical and immediately applicable techniques to give you the tools you need to start using right away in your organization!




PDU: 1.25 – Technical Project Management; 1.5 – Leadership; 1.25 – Strategic and Business Management

In this course, we will share practical and immediately applicable techniques to give you the tools you need to start using right away in your organization!

In addition to real-world guidance and resources, you will have on-going access to the recording of this training after the session!

Course will cover:

* Identifying and assessing your sponsor profile
* Understanding your sponsor and stakeholder needs to make your message relevant
* Setting sponsor expectations and holding them accountable (without getting fired)
* Aligning sponsor and project priorities to get results
* Dealing with change resistance or lack of engagement
* Creating impact with your communications
* Leveraging our One Page Executive Dashboard to manage up

A Note on PDUs

The course is a combination of watching the training videos, reading the materials, performing the exercises and taking the quiz. If you do all of this, you will be eligible for the 4.0 Instructor-led training PDUs upon completion of the course and all associated lesson materials.  Remember, the online or Digital Media Education Instructor-led training PDUs include the TOTAL amount of time it takes for the course and ALL associated lesson materials.   That is defined as the total time it takes to complete the review of the course video on the Training tab, as well as the companion readings and completion of all associated exercises, workbooks, and/or worksheets on the Download tab, and the test of knowledge acquired on the Quiz tab.

For instructions on reporting your PDUs for this course, please visit the PDUs Reporting page.