How to Measure PMO IMPACT (4 PDUs)

Is your PMO making an IMPACT for your organization? 

Whether you are starting a PMO for the first time, trying to get your PMO back on track, or just want to ensure that your PMO is as high-IMPACT as possible, this presentation will get right to the heart of what metrics matter, how to talk about PMO value, and how to ensure that your PMO continues to drive IMPACT for the organization.


Audience: PMO leaders or executives looking to get the most IMPACT out of their PMO

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic & Business Management, Leadership

Course includes a high-IMPACT PMO Measurement Planner, Course Worksheet and Workbook, and PMO Metrics Register with instructions. PLUS, you get access to several eBooks on this topic of talking about PMO value!

Whether you are starting a PMO for the first time, trying to get your PMO back on track, or just want to ensure that your PMO is as high-IMPACT as possible, this presentation will get right to the heart of what metrics matter, how to talk about PMO value, and how to ensure that your PMO continues to drive IMPACT for the organization.

You will receive a certificate of course completion with PDU/CEU credit hours and PDU reporting instructions upon quiz completion