Change Management Simplified Overview (3.25 PDUs)

An effective refresher and overview for creating effective and sustainable change using the successful “6 Effective and Sustainable Change Building Blocks” to map out a change strategy.



Don’t forget to download your materials on the download tab!

PDU: 1.25 – Technical Project Management; 1.0 – Strategic & Business Management; 1.0 – Leadership

Join us for the mini version of Laura’s renowned and thorough treatment of Change Management Simplified – hitting the critical points for an effective refresher and overview that are necessary for  creating effective and sustainable change.

In this session, Laura examines the following:

  1. Project vs. change management
  • Project management: What work we will do to create the change, and the techniques and tools for creating the change. (e. PMBOK®)
  • Change management: How the project will get implemented successfully through and with people. The techniques and tools for leading people through the change. (e. Prosci®)
  1. Why Do Change Management?
  • Project success increases
  • Change resistance decreases
  • It’s easier to do your project
  • Reminds you to focus on people
  • Stuff gets done!

Laura then proceeds to share her successful “6 Effective and Sustainable Change Building Blocks” to map out an effective change strategy:

  • Define
  • Staff
  • Plan
  • Communicate
  • Manage
  • Sustain

A Note on PDUs

The course is a combination of watching the training videos, reading the materials, performing the exercises and taking the quiz. If you do all of this, you will be eligible for the 3.25 Instructor-led training PDUs upon completion of the course and all associated lesson materials.  Remember, the online or Digital Media Education Instructor-led training PDUs includes the TOTAL amount of time it takes for the course and ALL associated lesson materials.   That is defined as the total time it takes to complete the review of the course video on the Training tab, as well as the companion readings and completion of all associated exercises, workbooks, and/or worksheets on the Download tab, and the test of knowledge acquired on the Quiz tab.

For instructions on reporting your PDUs for this course, please visit the PDUs Reporting page.