How to Build a High-IMPACT PMO (4 PDUs)


Learn the step-by-step process to building a PMO the right way, the first time.  This system has been developed leveraging more than 25 years of research and application of the most important techniques that Laura has used to transform the careers of hundreds of project managers, enabling them to become an invaluable strategic asset that business leaders are fighting over.


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Audience: Anyone in leadership from the C-suite to project managers

PMI Talent Triangle: Strategic & Business Management, Leadership

Whether you are starting a PMO for the first time, trying to get your PMO back on track, or just want to ensure that your PMO is as high-IMPACT as possible, this presentation will get right to the heart of what actually makes a difference, where you should start, and how to accelerate your PMO performance to deliver high-IMPACT outcomes for the organization.