Welcome to IMPACT Insight. This is the place for PMO leaders, Portfolio Managers, Program Managers, Project Managers, and Change Leaders to share insights and ask questions about how to drive high-IMPACT results in our organizations. I am here to answer your questions, so please leave a question below in the comments and let’s Get. It. Done!

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Hi. My name is Laura Barnard. I’d like to welcome you to IMPACT Insight. This is our place to talk about the things that are impacting all of us as PMO leaders, program portfolio and project managers, as well as ways that we can work together to support each other and to drive high-impact results in our organizations using the beauty and the power of PMO resources, program and project management, and the latest techniques in portfolio management. I encourage you to share your insights as well as ask a question or two.

Just leave a comment below with questions that you have. I will do my very best to answer those questions here or find someone that can answer the question even better than I can and have them join us. So thank you so much for engaging. I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say, and how you are helping to drive impact and change the world. We’ll be talking about all of that here, so leave a question, leave a comment. And let’s get the conversation going. Thank you so much.