Great!  So, you have been charged with building and running a PMO for your organization.  You’ve got the tools, you know about the best practices, and you have templates coming out of your ears.  Now what?  What are the things that you must do to help your PMO grow into a change management powerhouse for your company?

In this series of articles, we will explore both the art and science of what makes PMOs a market differentiator to strategy realization.  Many of us are aware of the fundamental building blocks necessary to create a successful PMO.  The science of PMO management covers the standards and best practices, as well as, the tools that must be present at the foundation of a PMO.  What many struggle with, however, is the art of a great PMO.  This is where organizational savvy, strong talent management and strategic change leadership come into play.  These are the art forms that make a PMO an effective and sustainable entity in any organization.

This journey will cover those basic building blocks that set the PMO stage for success, pointing to several of the proven tools and techniques for effective portfolio, program, and project management.  Following that overview, the real fun begins in exploring the lessons learned from great leaders on the ways to drive real transformational change through an effective PMO.  This is the art of PMO performance.

The articles are as follows:

PMO Building Block 1: The Type of PMO for Your OrganizationWhat is Implementation Methodology vs. Project Management?  

PMO Building Block 2: The Low Down on Methodologies:  What’s New in Portfolio Level Methodology?

PMO Building Block 3: Which Tools Make a Difference?Do Some Tools Have Prove Success Over Others?

PMO Building Block 4: The PMO Talent Profile:  Why Getting the Right Talent Matters

PMO Building Block 5: Successful Change Leadership:  Creating Change Advocacy in Your Organization

PMO Building Block 6: Alignment with What Matters:  Driving Real Change Across an Enterprise

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