PMO Rescue Program

Learn the fast and effective ways to get your PMO showing big value fast.

This program follows Laura’s highly-acclaimed IMPACT Engine PMO Framework that her students rave about.

Get laser-focused on exactly where you stand with your PMO in the eyes of your stakeholders and determine leverage a framework of fast and effective fixes to get your PMO back on track.

In this program, you’ll…

  • Learn the fastest ways to figure out where to focus your rescue energy

  • Uncover the PPM fixes that make a noticeable difference right away

  • Use the foolproof 4-step system to make the case for your PMO recommendations

  • Unleash the power of team even if you’re a PMO of one person

  • Build a strong mutually beneficial relationship with your sponsor

  • Up-level your presentation skills to gain PMO support without ever “selling” the PMO

Curious how Laura’s guidance has helped your peers?

Wondering what this program can do for you?
Take it from clients who have walked in your shoes!

PMO Strategies was instrumental in redirecting a large, complex, software implementation that was facing significant issues related to communication, time, and cost. Their consultation ensured that expectations were being met and that we will have a long, productive relationship with the vendor.
