As your votes continue to come in on where you need the most help to drive IMPACT, we have gathered that process discipline is another hot topic that we need help with. Troubleshoot and find real-world solutions to your process discipline by discovering why your PMO is failing before it ever gets off the ground, and even how deal with people who just seem to refuse to follow process.

Here is the help you are looking for:

  1. Focusing your energy on process first isn’t working. I get it, most articles and books tell you to focus your energy on the process first, but now you know it’s NOT the answer. Here’s a secret…you are the only one that cares about process and you have to prioritize results above the process. Get the details in The problem with process: Why your projects and PMOs are failing before they ever get off the ground.
  2. People aren’t compliant. After all the work you have put in to achieve better outcomes, people still aren’t compliant, here are some simple solutions to ensure your project management process is usable. Read What to do when people aren’t following your project management process.
  3. Over analysis is killing your progress. Your team gets so lost in analyzing and re-analyzing the work that they forget to do the work. Find out how to right size your process to stay on track to drive high-value results in Are you doing progressive elaboration or perpetual elaboration?
  4. Stakeholders aren’t taking ownership. We both know where this leads, the minute you aren’t looking “your” process falls apart.  Discover the key to sustainability and how to get there in Are you owning the project management process, or are they?
  5. You are running into roadblock after roadblock. You may even be tossing the idea around that people are resistant to change. They aren’t! Get the help you need to successfully implement best practices in Fight, Flight, or Freeze – Resistance to Implementing PM Practices.
  6. You’re looking for an all-in-one resource. You need a place to help you address all of your PM, Change Management, and PMO needs from staffing, to rescue work, to the latest trends and techniques, to a network of my peers dealing with the same issues. Find everything you need in the IMPACT Inner Circle.

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