Humans, by our physiological and social nature, are adverse to change within our environments. Our neural structures and habituated systems block change. Our social structures affect normative pressure toward ‘sameness’. We seek rational self-interest – the ability to survive. Yet Thriving requires higher-order, slow neural processes, and approaches to a problem or opportunity adoption. The slow response leads to innovation that affects successful social evolution.
In a world of fast-paced technological and social change, our fast response neurological systems take charge and we have the tendency to follow rather than lead. Humans socially develop the processes and tools that assist us to accept and adopt change.
PMI and other organizations have more recently in human history categorized the processes and labeled them as best practices, often without an understanding of the underlying human factors. The evolution of PMO’s introduce the social and organizational elements of change, and still, projects can fail because the individual and cultural elements are omitted (typically due to lack of knowledge or understanding). During our time together, we will work together to aid attendees to grasp initial insights and acquire some resources that will aid them to better incorporate a mindset that recognizes the natural chaotic response to change and to start an approach to better establish Thriving projects.

PMI Talent Triangle: Business Acumen (Strategic and Business Management)
PDUs for this Course: 1

Steven Fullmer contributes his mastery to the field of neurosociology – a nascent field blending neurochemistry and physiology, psychology, sociology, and the science of change. His mission is helping others understand the natural chaos associated with change and organizing approaches to effectively address change scenarios. Successful approaches are always situational and must consider the unique attributes of both the individuals and the tribes that they form.
Steven Fullmer is President and Chief Technology Officer for Blue Sphere Solutions ( He has been a Staff Instructor creating project management instruction for Interface Technical Training for more than 10 years, including PMP and Business analysis courseware, video series, webinars, and micro-mastery events. He holds Project Management Professional (PMP) and PMI-Professional Business Analysis certifications from Project Management Institute, an MBA in services marketing, and is certified as a Change Intelligence Professional.
He has been an engineer and principal architect for Honeywell and NEC supercomputers; a systems architect, security officer and cryptographic system manager for First Interstate/Wells Fargo Bank; and a primary contributor to the development of Internet technologies for AG Communication Systems/Lucent Technologies as a subject matter expert in the development Voice over IP development and a broad range of Internet-related technologies as a lead architect or project manager. As an author and public speaker, Steve focuses on topics related to project management and social psychology – the sciences that help clients and students to adopt successful change strategies.